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Were the gods sharks?

Sharks were once worshiped as gods by various peoples in antiquity, but nowadays they are demoniac. What happened to that?


World Water Day

On World Water Day, spread the waters of protection on your region and help the planet get healthier and preserve sharks!

O tubarão martelo complementa sua dieta de invertebrados com algas marinhas, tornando-o o primeiro tubarão onívoro conhecido. Crédito: Jay Fleming/Getty
Cientific Papers

The first Flexitarian shark?!

The Nature magazine discovers the first hammerhead bonnet shark that can feed on both seagrass and crustaceans

Cientific Papers

Smart sharks do learn!

Sharks are smart! Also intelligent and do learn, in addition to being able to maintain social relationships with other sharks.

Oficina artesanal voluntária Divers for Sharks


Waste reduction through recycling glass bottles and wooden crates can help the sharks, the planet and even make money!


Envoy: Shark Cull

Documentary shows the reality behind beach protection systems, which are driving marine life to extinction.

Cientific Papers

UN Decade on Ocean Science

UN discusses oceanic preservation agenda in PUCPR article in which the co-founder of Divers for Sharks is cited.