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Support the cause

We will take information about sharks to people from different locations, age groups and social classes.


All work for the Divers for Sharks campaign is voluntary. Since its founders and the whole team carry out their functions through voluntary work.

As soon as we move on, we defend sharks, oceans and all marine life. And this is how we are going to change the world!

Become a partner

You don’t have to be a diver to be part of Divers for Sharks. Just be on our planet, live or just be passing through it. If you are a company, organization or group, you can be a partner and help us in this fight for preservation.

You help Divers for Sharks and add value and responsibility to your business.


Every action, work, struggle has its costs. From a simple pamphlet explaining the importance of sharks to trips to debate screaming for preservation at international meetings, whether at the UN, in Brasilia or in the neighboring city, actions have a cost.

Make you the difference you want to see in the oceans, in your life and in the world.

Support the cause We will take information about sharks to people from different locations, age groups and social classes. Volunteer All work for the Divers for Sharks campaign is voluntary. Since its founders and the whole team carry out their functions through voluntary work. As soon as we move on, we defend sharks, oceans and all marine life. And this is how we are going to change the world! I want to help Become a partner You don’t have to be a diver to be part of Divers for Sharks. Just be on our planet, live or just be passing through it. If you are a company, organization or group, you can be a partner and help us in this fight for preservation. You help Divers for Sharks and add value and responsibility to your business. I want to support Donate Every action, work, struggle has its costs. From a simple pamphlet explaining the importance of sharks to trips to debate screaming for preservation at international meetings, whether at the UN, in Brasilia or in the neighboring city, actions have a cost. Make you the difference you want to see in the oceans, in your life and in the world. I want to donate