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You help Divers for Sharks
and add value and responsibility to your business.

Centro de Estudos do Mar Onda Azul

Main contributor and supporter of the Divers for Sharks Campaign.

Instituto Augusto Carneiro

created in 2010 to preserve the memory and continue the work of one of the pioneers of environmentalism in southern Brazil, the Institute defends the conservation of marine biodiversity through programs aimed at influencing the formulation of public policies at national and international levels, and uncompromising defense of the creation and implantation of more Marine Integral Protection Units, where fishing and other harmful uses are prohibited. Institutional support for D4S is one of the Institute’s most important lines of action.


Recreational, technical and public safety diving certification agencies form the only committed diving certification body and support for the Divers for Sharks campaign. Its director in Brazil, Eduardo Teixeira, directly supports the cause and joined Divers for Sharks in the first contact, without any doubt or delay, aware of the importance that the entities that issue diving certificates have with the marine preservation and the role that sharks develop in the balance of the planet.

All diving courses taught in partnership with Divers for Sharks, by our co-founder Paulo Pingüim and in campaign actions, have SDI and TDI certificates!

Oxigenação Turismo

Tourism, travel and diving packages company that has always supported Divers for Sharks as much as possible, whether with travel consultancy, ticket issuance and logistical support, always fast and helpful in attendance, through its founder Sandrão, diver, photographer and instructor sub photo Sandrão has supported Divers for Sharks actions since its foundation.


Does your company want to help Divers for Sharks
defend sharks, seas, oceans and all marine life?


Does your company want to help Divers for Sharks
defend sharks, seas, oceans and all marine life?