Ocean Science and Sustainable Development?!
This year the United Nations (UN) started the Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development, popularly called just the Decade of the Oceans, proposed in 2017. The milestone aims to generate and disseminate knowledge related to the ocean.
PUCPR’s Journalism, through Isabelle Almeida, Jessica Pretto and Nathalia Brum, published an article that cites the great incongruity that science is today knowing much more about outer space than about our deep seas and oceans, with more than 80% never having been mapped.
According to UNESCO, more than 3 billion people depend directly on the biodiversity of these same oceans that we know so little about. It mainly cites the documentary Seaspiracy as a source of information about the main problems, already published by Divers For Sharks when it was released.
Ambitious agenda
UNESCO intends to discuss the issue of ocean preservation and make all countries aware of the fact with a very ambitious agenda!
“The UNESCO intergovernmental oceanographic commission is coordinating this process globally and each country is free to develop this project”, says Glauco Kimura, Project Officer for the Natural Sciences Program at UNESCO.
15 institutions form the management committee of the project led by UNESCO in Brazil, with Rare, Boticário Foundation for Nature Protection and Confrem among them.
According to the latest World Ocean Science Report, only 1% of the investment in science in the world is destined to ocean research, which is even shameful given the importance of the oceans for the ecology and environmental balance of our planet. Total nonsense!
Co-founder of Divers for Sharks is cited

“I'm still fighting today, in 2021, the same battles I was fighting in 1978 when I joined the environmental movement.”
José Truda Palazzo Jr
Watch the documentary Seaspiracy and come back here to comment on it!