The study
News published in Jornal O Globo on August 19 publishes a study by researchers from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, UFRN, showing the impact of global warming on the micro organisms that form corals and these in turn form reefs, or coral reefs. The site chosen for monitoring was Atol das Rocas, where corals and marine life are considered to be the most protected and under the least possible human influence.

The problem
Using the mathematical models created by the researchers, it was able to monitor the biomass of fish, algae and corals, among others, and project their current and future situation. The result is bad, showing that these living beings are less and less present in the system and the tendency is to decrease even more. The collapse is predicted for the year 2050. That’s right, closer than we think.

What about me?
As much as there are people who imagine that because they live far from the sea, or who save on their bathing time, for example, they think that this problem is not theirs or that they will not be affected by the distance. A mistake! Our oceans are our planet’s energy-generating and balancing system. Balancer in various directions, such as temperature. humidity among others. So whether you live in the Amazon, in the middle of the Sahara or on top of a mountain, you and your home will be subject to changes caused by the imbalance of the oceans. And unfortunately the human population as a whole has already spoiled what it had to spoil, shall we say. That is: we have already passed the point of no return.
It is not enough for ME or YOU not to dirty, pollute or save energy to get rid of the scope of problems. This option is now behind us. Now we need the absolute majority of the human population to do more than their share of “Don’t screw up”. We do have to do our part, but in addition to paying the fine and interest on everything that has already been done. It is not enough to brake or slow down, we need to put the gear in reverse and make several indexes go back.
Divers for Sharks will act at the 9th Summit of the Oceans
The 9th Annual Summit of the Oceans will take place in the first days of March 2022 in Lisbon, where all the issues involved with the protection of the ecosystem will be debated and solutions proposed. I, Paulo Pingüim and José Truda Palazzo Jr, founders of Divers for Sharks, are in a fundraising campaign to be present there, exerting all the pressure on behalf of the oceans and ensuring that the voice of the Sharks is also heard in the plenary. Learn more about this very important meeting here in this post.
So what?
Think about it and in addition to changing your habits, go talk to relatives, friends and neighbors and convince them to change too. And in the special case of the oceans, you can start following this Divers for Sharks Campaign Blog and even more: be part of our campaign by helping to fund actions and initiatives. Just click here: Take Action Now!