Canceled in 2020, will take place in June 2022
The first was in 2018 and Divers for Sharks was present, fighting for the preservation of the oceans and for greater protection for all species that live and work in it, keeping the Earth a viable planet for all life, whether plant or animal. One of the great victories for the seas of Brazil in that edition was the Voluntary Commitment of Brazil holding the 1st Brazilian Seminar on Marine Garbage, held in Rio de Janeiro
The second edition of this very important thematic conference of the parties that make up the United Nations would be in 2020 in Lisbon and Divers for Sharks was preparing to raise funds and participate, when the Covid19 pandemic exploded and several countries went into indefinite quarantine. We even announced the cancellation here at this link.
Now finally as the world is returning (or would be moving forward) to the so-called new normal, the edition that would be 2020 becomes the United Nations Oceans Conference 2022!
Lisbon - Portugal, 27th of June to 1st of July
If before this conference, being a specific theme of the oceans, was already extremely important. Now that all the preservation measures, if not backwards, were at least stopped for two years, due to the economic and social losses of governments, we have much more preservationist and environmental work to make it happen and move forward!
“The Ocean Conference, co-organized by the Governments of Kenya and Portugal, comes at a critical time when the world seeks to resolve many of the deep-rooted problems of our societies revealed by the COVID-19 pandemic and which will require major structural transformations and shared solutions. that are anchored in the SDGs. To mobilize action, the Conference will seek to drive much-needed innovative science-based solutions designed to initiate a new chapter of global ocean action.” – from the conference website.

Help the Sharks go to the Conference
And you can help all marine life at the UN
Divers for Sharks is starting a fundraiser here to be able to be present in Lisbon and defend our seas, sharks, rays and chimeras. Please enter the link below and help with the amount you can, either in one go, or in installments, as a monthly fee or entering whenever you can. There is no small value, what cannot exist is giving up before even trying. So get in there and be part of the change we want in the world!