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Divers For Sharks shows that Eco Tourism is more profitable than finning

Divers For Sharks shows that Eco Tourism is more profitable than finning

One of Divers For Sharks' missions is to show that there are sustainable alternatives to many of the problems we face today. Among the main issues are overfishing and finning, two practices that endanger sharks, rays and the entire marine ecosystem in different parts of the world. With that in mind, we relaunched a publication to show that observation tourism can be an alternative and generates more money than both practices.

The publication is signed by Guilherme Pinguim and José Truda Palazzo, it was shown for the first time at the Cites event, promoted by the United Nations in Bangkok, Thailand, in 2013. Unfortunately, the publication is no longer available in print. But now it can be downloaded in PDF in English and Portuguese.

For those who still discredit that there are no economic alternatives to generate jobs and income without having to sacrifice nature, we have shown that this is not true.