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D4S Live will receive activist Randall Arauz

D4S Live will receive activist Randall Arauz

Divers For Sharks will begin the month of September by welcoming the Costa Rican activist and founder of Pretoma, Randall Arauz, on our YouTube channel. This live will be in English, on September 4th, at 19h, São Paulo Time – Brazil, and will also have the participation of Guilherme ‘Pinguim’ Cavalcanti, José ‘Truda’ Palazzo (Truda) and Sandrinha Cionelly.

We will talk to Arauz about his trajectory and his work with marine conservation. In addition, let’s talk about finning and how shark conservation is doing in Central America. For this performance, the activist was awarded the Goldman Environmental Prize in 2010.

Anyone who wants to ask questions should use the hashtags #AskTheSharks and #PergunteAoTuba. In our last live, we had Gary Stoker, see below. Take the opportunity to get to know the D4S channel on YouTube.

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