Who is the villain?
Away from the beautiful beaches, amongst Australia’s breathtaking coral reefs lurks a deadly and indiscriminate killer. It’s the bloodlust that kills 1000 every year. They are not sharks. It is the Government’s Shark Control Program.
This can be a great and simplistic summary of Documentario Envoy: Shark Cull, which can be loosely translated as “Information from the war: Shark slaughter”.

A film so heavy that the narrator is the Hulk!
Narrated by Eric Bana, it tells the truth behind coastal “shark safety” programs in Queensland and New South Wales. Drum lines with bait and nets, used at the time, have already been shown scientifically to be ineffective in protecting swimmers and surfers, leaving them at risk at sea. What is impressive is that despite being inefficient, they continue to be used in all marine ecosystems, including the Great Barrier Reef. Thousands of whales, dolphins, turtles and other marine life are just some of the victims of these expensive and archaic methods every year, although new and proven technology is easily accessible.
Join some of the biggest names in ocean conservation, such as Sea Shepherd, Ocean Ramsey and Madison Stewart, who bring their in-depth knowledge and experience to shed light on this misunderstood topic.
Watch now!
Watch, share, write your review, both about the movie and about the case of sharks, which are being driven to extermination on a planet that is much longer than ours.
It may sound cliché, but it’s the plain truth: Don’t put off for tomorrow what needs to be saved TODAY.
Don’t put off for tomorrow the really serious problems of our planet, and the situation of sharks in the world is certainly among the unfortunate top 5 of big environmental problems in the world.