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Pandemic, preservation and activism

Pandemic, preservation and activism

Hello dear shark lovers and defenders!

I am witing again to you at this critical moment for us humans and even more critical for our planet, nature, oceans and sharks. The moment is extremely serious for the the environment preservation. While around the world people are confining themselves at home as much as possible, for safety reasons and still very little availability of covid vaccines, unfortunately the profit industry of poachers, without environment responsibility, continues to destruct and undermine our natural resources. Due to the reduction in inspection, surveillance and defense of the environment. Yes, because we need to remember that inspectors, environmental guards and even activists around the world are also humans, subject to covid and therefore having to comply with quarantine and carry out their work at home office as much as possible. And then my friends, the seas, the forests and our nature are exposed and even less protected.

No more shark fin soup!
This is extremely dangerous in the case of industrial fishing in the open sea, where gigantic vessels, the so-called floating fishing plants, navigate international waters and even jurisdictions other than their own, and literally destroy and almost sterilize the waters they pass through. Including Brazilian waters.
Tocando a vida!
Now, if nature conservation professionals need to confine themselves, imagine those who fight for the environment on their own, without this being their job. yes, I am talking about environmental activists and volunteers. As populations in various countries are experiencing serious financial problems, it is easy to imagine that nonprofit NGOs that rely on fundraising, donations and volunteer work are also experiencing severe budget constraints.
Divers for Sharks is not in a different boat. Due to the lock-down, for more than one year alread without fundraising events, fairs, congresses and meetings, where we often set up our booth to collect and sell donated products, we are also paralyzed and running out of funds. And this has a direct impact on our work and capacity for environmental performance. But we are here, we are still fighting and we will not give up on defending sharks, seas, oceans and all marine life on the planet!
So I am posting here on the blog again to keep you all updated on what is happening in Brazil and in the world in terms of preservation and about sharks.
On my next post I will be republishing an deleted article that is very interesting and that remains very up to date, about attacks or incidents with sharks. It is a translation of an international article made by a partner of ours, with my comments.
Finally, I ask everyone to help us even more in this moment so difficult for nature and humanity, to do so through donations, purchases at our international stores and very soon adopting a virtual shark, very soon!
Yo Ho and here we go!